Youth Film Acting Classes for Non-Traditional Schooling Extracurriculars

Our mission at Love Acting is to provide a creative hub in Baton Rouge that caters specifically for film and television acting. Our film acting school has a variety of classes for different age groups that are curated to meet the needs of aspiring actors.

That’s why we are offering on-going weekly Friday film acting classes from 2:00pm - 3:30pm for adolescents and teens ages 7-17 to have another opportunity throughout week to study film acting. The class is instructed in the full age group together during the allotted class time. Our Friday class is especially convenient for non-traditional schoolers who do 4 day school weeks, homeschooling, or online schooling.

If you are a non-traditional schooler, you’re aware that non-traditional schooling can provide you with a flexible and personalized educational experience. Traditional schooling time and scheduling can limit the ability to participate in some activities. As a homeschooler, you have the option of maintaining different school hours, allowing you to pursue unique opportunities. Non-Traditional schooling may give you the opportunity to put together an extracurricular resume that really stands out as self-motivated and directed. A-lot of our youth are talented and pursing all types of visual and performing arts to further their careers and accolades, and many who choose to go full force into pursuing their dreams or even trying something new that could blossom into a new passion seek activities outside of the standard education curriculum.

. We encourage those who are seeking an extracurricular, to consider learning acting for the camera as another skill set. This class uses the craft of acting to teach the skills such as:

  • Encourages creative thinking,

  • Builds confidence,

  • Helps understand and process emotions,

  • Improve active listening,

  • Encourages team building.

We also offer a weekly kids film acting class for kids ages 9-12. This class is best for kids who are looking to learn more about the film acting industry. Whether they have taken classes previously, been involved in theater, have always been interested in making videos, or are excited to jump into acting, this class is for them. This class will teach auditioning for the camera technique, improv technique, and Meisner technique. In this, actors will learn how to get a script, complete scene analysis, and develop a character for an audition for film and tv and then how to continue the development once the role is booked.

Kids are welcome to sign up for either class. Please note the ages for each class and the days and times of the week. The Tuesday class will have a quicker paced curriculum with a higher focus in helping acting students bring their acting career to the next level. The Friday class will be more flexible for kids whom enjoy acting and want to be around like minded individuals, but aren't necessarily looking to launch an acting career.

If you or your child are interested, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our Love Acting Representatives are sure to guide you in the right direction for film acting.


Days of Daisy Baton Rouge Premiere


Audition Taping